Ama, members of the Austin Federation of Musicians, playing at the May Day Job Fair. Photo credit: Haru L.

Austin Socialist News Bulletin

by Sara G.

Austin Socialist News Bulletin – May 2024

At the end of April, we had comrades in jail for peacefully speaking up for Palestine, while other comrades served as legal counsel, marshaled protests, and waited around the clock at Travis County jail to greet released prisoners with hot coffee and provide rides home.The violence of the University of Texas, Austin Police Department, Greg Abbott and DPS deeply affected our community and left little time for writing a monthly roundup. We didn’t stop our organizing, though, and had a May full of activities in support of Palestine and workers. We also held our yearly chapter convention and inaugurated a new Leadership Committee who will continue the struggle for the next year.

In the past month…

  • We kicked off the month with our second annual May Day Job Fair. Ten unions were on site to talk to job applicants about the work they do, how to get hired, and how to help develop more union density and militancy in Austin. When it started misting, we threw up a tent to cover the bands and played on. We munched on giant grilled burritos and listened to local bands Ama, Medieval Snails, Pony Soprano, Provoked Emotions, and Gummy Fang and had an all around great time.

  • As part of the Austin for Palestine coalition, we participated in the 76th remembrance of Nakba Day at the Capitol, and the emergency protest for Rafah. Members continue to pressure the City Council at each council meeting to stand up for Palestine.

  • We continued to support workers, participating in the Food Service Workers picket line at Meta and showing up for Integral care workers to demand Just Cause termination and an employee ombudsmen. Nationally, DSA is supporting the workers of UAW 4811 who are striking in response to the University of California’s harsh response to pro-Palestinian protests, and DSA Labor is matching donations to their hardship fund.

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